Saturday, 5 November 2016

Life in Madina

Life in Madina

In 622 A.D. Prophet(S.A.W) started migration to Yasthib(later known as Madinah).By the permission of Allah to migrate Yasthrib, Holy Prophet(S.A.W) first sent his companions to leave Makkah because the Quraish were showing their animosity towards them. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) then decided to migrate from Makkah to Yasthrib as the people of quraish were increasing their animosity towards them. On Makkah Muslims cannot pray freely because the Quraish try them to stop praying, they made the Muslims life miserable. when Quraish heard the news that Muslims are migrating they started to find them. So the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddeeq hid in the cave of saur for 3 days. On the fifth day they left Makkah and travel to Yasrib for 8 days. On the 12 day they stay on Quba, near to Yasrib. They stay there for 5 days. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and his companions built the Mosque of Quba. 
Masjid - e - Quba

On the 16 day Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and his companions go to Yasrib and meet the Muslim tribe Banu Salm and they performed the first Jummah prayer and then returned to Quba and stay there for 10 days. In 26 day 22 Rabiualawal they reached the main city of Yasrib(Madina).

Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and his companions meet the peoples in Madinah. People was amazed by the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) character that how truthful how honest, help peoples and have very much patience. So by seeing the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) character, peoples started to accept Islam.

On that time there was a famous man, Abdullah bin Ubbay, who was trying to become the king of Madinah. When the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) migrated to Madinah, his popularity and his kingdom was finish and Holy Prophet(S.A.W) become the leader of Madinah so he thought that his kingdom was seized so he made himself from hypocrites or "Munafiqeen" who are actual non-Muslims but show them Muslims.
 Holy Prophet(S.A.W)buy a area where He wanted to built the Mosque, the owners of that area are 2 or 3 kids.  Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and his companions made a Mosque, that Mosque was known as the Prophet's Mosque or Masjid-e-Nabwi. That became the HQ(Head Quarters) of Madinah. The Mosque was built by unbaked bricks, the roof is made of dry mud and the pillars are made of date trees and palm leaves.
Masjid - e - Nabwi

In Masjid-e-Nabwi Muslims learned and practiced dicipline, unity and brotherhood. The azaan(call for prayers) was introduced, as suggested by Hazrat Umer(R.A). Hazrat Bilal(R.A) was appointed for muezzin. Muslims can pray freely because Hazrat Umer(R.A) suggested and every qafir was afraid from Hazrat Umer. The arrangements for inhabitants of Madinah. Those who had migrated to Madinah from Makkah were known as Muhajirin or emigrants. Those who belonged to Madinah and had given shelter to the emigrants and helped them were known as Ansar or the Helpers. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) established brotherhood between Ansars and Muhajirin. He told Ansars the the Muhajirin were in need of help, he wanted to create brotherhood between them. Ansars willingly agreed to this. They took their Muhajirin brothers to their houses and treated them with hospitality. The enmity between two tribes of Madinah, Aus and Khazraj was forgotten.
Muslims treated with Jews in first Hijri. There are 3 main tribes in Madinah: Banu Qainuqa, Banu Nazir and Banu Quraiza, settled in the suburbs of Madinah in their own strong fortresses.This is an agreement that granted equal rights to the Jews with liberty. It stated that the Muslims and Jews were allies and would help each other, that neither party would commit aggression against the other,and that case of an attack on Madinah, both Muslims and Jews will defend it.

Fasting in the month of Ramzan was made obligatory upon all Muslims adult and Zakat is also made obligatory on Muslims in second Hijri. The main event of 2 A.H. was the change of Qiblah. The direction of the Kaaba (the sacred building at Mecca), to which Muslims turn at prayer was called Qiblah.

Kaaba( the Qiblah of Muslims)

The real Qiblah of Muslims was Kaaba, when Muslims migrated they face Masjid - e - Aqsa because the Qiblah of Jews is Masjid - e - Aqsa so Muslims wanted that they accept Islam, so for 14 months they face to Masjid- e - Aqsa  for Jews. If they see them they will think that they accept our Qiblah so we will accept the Islam. But they did not so Allah order Holy Prophet(S.A.W) to change their Qiblah on Kaabah.

Qafir made the Muslims life very tough in Makkah and when Muslims started migration to Yasrib they try to stop Muslims. Qafir was very angry that Muslims migrated to Yasrib and living peacefully over there. Abdullah bin Ubbay was very angry that his popularity is finished, he threat the Muslims and give them letter where he say that he is the leader of Ansars. Ansars are agree with Abdullah bin Ubbay that he is our leader but if Holy Prophet(S.A.W) did not migrated to Madinah  so he make himself the king of Madinah. A letter came to Muslims "Are you have given shelter to our sir, so we say that if people fight from our sir or we will come to Yasrib with our full forces and will kill your forces and prohibit your womens".When this letter was sent Abdullah bin Ubbay was happy with this letter and then started his brothers(Qafir) in Makkah. When this letter was sent to Abdullah bin Ubbay he started to make forces in Makkah. The doors of Kaaba was closed and Quraish started to neglect Muslims. A letter came to Muslims from Quraish, on this letter they say that"don,t feel proud that you migrated from Makkah and escaped from our threat, we will come to Yasrib(Madinah) and will destroy you". After this letter Allah give permission to Muslims for battle. There are many battles have happen: sariya Saifulbahr, sariya Rabigh, sariya Kharrar, battle of Abwaar yawadaan, battle of Bowaat, battle of Safwaan, battle of Ushairah and sariya Nakhlah.

After the battle of Ushairah their was a qaflah(group of people)was coming from Syria, in that qaflah their is too much gold over there. There are only 40 peoples who are with qaflah, the prominent member of qaflah is Abu Sufyan who is the leader of Quraish. When this news was sent to Holy Prophet(S.A.W) he say that capture that qaflah. When the Qaflah heard that Muslims are coming, the qaflah was escaped and give news to Makkah army that they tried to attack on us. The army of Makkah was coming to attack Madinah. Although Muslims was again return to Madinah, when they heard that Quraish army is coming they started to make army. The Quraish stopped at Badr, a village that is 80 miles far from Madinah and Muslims reached at Badr, first Quraish attack.
The village of Badr

Quraish with 1000 army and Muslims with 313 peoples. Before the battle Holy Prophet(S.A.W) prayed from Allah to help them against of Quraish.

After the battle, Muslims got victory. 70 peoples died from Quraish, rest of them become prisoner and some of them will have to teach 10 kids. From Muslims 14 people shaheed(Matryed) 6 of them are Muhajirin and 8 of them are Ansars. The hind bin utbah father, Uthbah bin Raabia, a prominent leader of quraish was killed from Hazrat Amir Hamza(R.A). Abu Jahl joined the battle of Badr in Abu Lahabs stead for he owed him 4000 dinars. He was killed by the nephews of Hazrat Abdulrahman bin Aaof, the nephews are Hazrat Muaz bin Umro bin Jamoh and Mauz bin Afra, they both are from Ansars, Hazrat Muaz bin Umro bin Jamoh was alive at the reign of Hazrat Usman.

Many battles are happen after the battle of Badr: battle of Banu Salm, battle of Banu Qainuqa, battle of saweeq, battle of Ziamar and battle of bahraan. These are the battles that happen before the Battle of Uhad.

Hill of Uhad

Quraish did not forgot their defeat at the Badr. Ka'ab bin Ashraf of Banu Nazir visited Makkah and was against of Muslims. Abu Sufyan and Ka'ab bin Ashraf started to raise funds and at last made a army of 3000 men. Some other tribes also joined them. They attacked Madinah. Muslims agreed that they should fight out of Madina so they meet at the north of Madinah 3 miles far Uhad. Muslims are 1000 so Abdullah bin Ubbay take 300 men against of Muslims so Muslims left 700. They battle of Uhad had been started. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) established fifty archers to protect the Uhad mountain. They had given instruction that they do not have to move from there positions in any circumsta nces. Several quraish women accompanied the army of the pagans. Hint bin Utbah, the daughter of Utbah bin Ra'abiah, was very angry on his killing of his father. She came with his pagan and shaheed Hazrat Ameer Hamza(R.A) because he kill her father.When quraish are losing they started retreating, when archers saw them so fourty of archers move from their places and ten were left so Khalid bin Waleed saw that the another side of mountain is open, he attacked from that side, the archers were shaheed. Muslim army is taken surprisely and another mistake is happen when the quraish started that we shaheed Holy Prophet(S.A.W) so the army is disturbed. Again companions gather and started to rise. The quraish had a chance to attack but they did not they were afraid of Muslims rise so they retreated to Makkah. Muslims were losing but they afraid from Muslims. So in this way Muslims won the battle of Uhad. There were many deaths of Muslims.

In 4 Hijri after the four months of battle of Uhad, steps were taken against the Jewish tribe, Banu Nazir, who had fortified themselves inside their strongholds. Muslims besieged them for tew weeks after which they surrendered.
In the 5 Hijri, the Jewish tribe asked help from Quraish tribe so Quraish agreed for help. Then they go to Ghatafan tribe and win their support too. Many others tribe help them. They attacked Madinah with their 10,000 men under the command of Abu sufyan. When this news come to Holy Prophet(S.A.W), he consulted his companions. Hazrat Salman Farsi(R.A) advised to dig a trench. Madinah was safe on three sides on account of population and oasis. The fourth side that was on the Syrian army is unsafe. Therefore they decided to dig a trench from open area. Three thousand companions dig trench. Thus there was a mighty attack on Muslims from all sides. For this reason, the battle is also called the battle of Ahzab or the battle of Allies. When Quraish saw that they have digged trench, they waited and see that where can we attack from. The Muslims army make a siege to them. The siege was lasted for a month, Muslims faced hunger, cold and constant attacks from enemies. Allah helped Muslims. One night there was a piercing blast of cold wind, the enemy's tents were torn up, their fires were extinguished, the sand and the rain beat in their faces. From these situations they retreated. Muslims got victory, for this congratulations a Mosque was also built where Holy Prophet(S.A.W) prayed for winning.

At the time of battle the Banu Quraiza the Jewish tribe attack from south against Muslims. Muslims advanced against their fortresses and surrounded them. The siege continued for about a month after which Banu Quraiza surrendered.

On the 6 Hijri, Holy Prophet had saw a dream where he saw that he is entering in Ka;abah. Therefore, he decided to go to Makkah and perform Umrah, or the minor pilgrimage. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) come with his 1400 companions. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) stopped at Hudaibiya, a place at a distance of 3 miles far from Makkah. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) send a messenger to inform the Quraish that they do not wanted to wage a war and wished to enter in Makkah, but had come unarmed, and to purpose of Umrah. The mesenger did not return so Holy Prophet(S.A.W) sent another men, he also did not return. Than Holy Prophet(S.A.W) send Hazrat Usman(R.A) and he also did not return. A rumour spread that he was killed. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) gather his followers on Bait - e - Rizwan. The Quraish was very disturbed when they heard of this and decided to negotiate a treaty of peace with the Muslims. It was called the Sulah Hudaibiya or treaty of Hudaibiya. It had the following terms:-
  • Muslims would return Madinah that year
  • They would be permitted to come for pilgrimage next year but would stay only for three days in Makkah.
  • If a Quraish from Makkah should join the Muslims without permission from his guardians, he would be sent back to Makkah. But if a Muslim come from Madinah and went to Makkah, he would not be sent back.
  • there would be no fighting for 10 years.
 The newly converted Muslims from Makkah  cannot go Madinah so they started to looting the caravans. When Quraish cancelled treaty, they migrate to Madinah.
On the 7 Hijri, Holy prophet(S.A.W) gave message of Islam to Kings and Emperors of different countries. 
First he send a letter to the Roman Emperor, Heracluis, he sent the letter to Abu Sufyan, Heracluis reply a polite letter but did not embrace Islam. then to Chosroes, Emperor of Persia, he insulted the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) messenger and tore his letter into pieces. When Holy Prophet(S.A.W) informed this he said him that his empire will fell down and exactly that happened to him. Then the letter goes to the emperor of Abyssinia, Negus who embraced Islam and sent presents to Holy Prophet(S.A.W). Then to Cyrus, the emperor of Egypt. He treated the messenger with very honour and sent a polite reply and some presents. The present included Hazrat Maria and a horse Duldul. The rulers of Bahrain and Oman embraced Islam. The Jews were settled in the Khyber. They had the support of the Ghatafan tribe and the Munafiqeen. They started to attack on Madinah. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) came to know about these development in Khyber so he marched in Khyber against Jews with his 1600 men. The Jew hided in there 7 well guarded fort. There were 20,000 Jews who are in their forts. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) did not wanted a long siege so he ordered to attack. Muslims captured the forts with not difficulties. It had took time to capture the well guarded and well fortified fort, Qamus.
Fort of Qamus
It took 20 days to capture the fort of Qamus. Muslims always come without victory when they are trying to capture the fort of Qamus. When they saw that Muslims come under the command of Hazrat Ali(R.A), Marhab, a Jew warrior came out to fight from Hazrat Ali(R.A), Hazrat Ali killed him in his first attack. Then a fierce battle started where Muslims captured the fort of Qamus. Jews requested from Holy Prophet(S.A.W) to grant them piece. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) accept it and say that Muslims will given the half land of Khyber and half of Jews. According to the treaty of Hudaibiya Muslims could perform the Umrah the next year. They were also entitled to stay Makkah for three days, therefore, undertook the journey to Makkah. Before leaving Holy Prophet(S.A.W) say them that they should be unarmed.
In 8 hijri, Holy Prophet(S.A.W) sent a message from letter to a Roman Emperor who was a christian. The messenger was shaheed in the Mutah, a city in Jordan. When this news was informed to Holy Prophet(S.A.W), he sent a army of 3000 Muslims in the leadership of Hazrat Zaid bin Haris(R.A). He was shaheed, so Holy Prophet(S.A.W) sent Hazrat Ja'afar(R.A) and Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahah(R.A). Hazrat Haris bin Zaid(R.A), Hazrat Ja'afar(R.A) and Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahah(R.A) was shaheed because he do not let the flag down. The army under the command of Khalid bin Waleed defeated the enemies.
Mutah ground
The Khuza tribe had joined the Muslims after the treaty of Hudaibiya, while Banu Bakr were the allies of Quraish. One of the terms of the treaty was that neither party would fight an ally of the other party. In violation of this clause of the treaty, Banu Bakr and Quraish tribe attacked and killed the men of Banu Khuza tribe. Banu Khuza asked from Holy Prophet(S.A.W) for aid and protection so Holy Prophet(S.A.W) promise them for aid and protection. He sent a messenger to Quraish to offering them three altenatives,
  1. To compensation or blood money for the men of Banu Khuza.
  2. To dissolve their alliance with Banu Bakr.
  3. To declare that treaty of Hudaibiya stood dissolve.
The Quraish choose third option. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W) decided that there should not have a alternative fight.He ordered preparation for Jihad. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W) left Madinah in the 20th of Ramadan 8 hijri, with an army which by the time he reached Makkah, numbered ten thousand. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W)divided into 4 groups and gave instructions to all that no blood was to be shed and they were not to fight unless they were attacked in which case they should defend themselves. The Quraish who had never seen such a huge, well-armed and disciplined army before, offered no resistance; but the unit under the command of Khalid bin Waleed was attacked by the tribesmen of Banu Bakr and also by some of the most hostile Quraish. Khalid bin waleed had, therefore, no option but to fight back. In this encounter 28 men were killed. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) announced a general pardon, except for sixteen or seventeen persons who were the bitterest enemies of Islam. A messenger preceded the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) asking the people to have no fear as no one would killed or injured. He also announced that anyone who laid down his arms would be safe, anyone who took refuge in the house of Abu Sufyan, till then one of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) bitterest enemies, would be safe. When Holy Prophet(S.A.W) entered in Kaaba, he ordered the destruction of the three hundred and sixty idols which had been placed in Kaaba. The conquest of Makkah started a new era for Muslims. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W) stayed in Makkah for fifteen days. He devoted his Arab tribes also came to Makkah for understanding the explaining the teachings of Islam. The Arab tribes embraced Islam. After appointing the governor for Makkah the Prophet(S.A.W) returned to Madinah. Before the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) could leave the Makkah for Madinah, he received reports that the Hawazin and Saqeef, the two very strong tribe of Taif had gather a huge army for attacking the Muslims. Holy Prophet(S.A.W) proceeded a army of 12,000 Muslims, ten thousand Muslims of Madinah and 2000 of newly converted of Islam. Probably the enemy had received reports of the route to be followed by the Muslim army. So they posted archers in to the secret places and made a surprise attack on Muslim army while they were passing from a valley through a narrow valley near Hunain.
Attack on Muslims on Hunain
Muslims were retreating when they saw this surprise attack, Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and his Companions called the retreating men to return . The Muslim army responded to the call and the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) rallied his forces. Thus within no time, the defeat was changed into victory. In this battle, the Muslims army took six thousand prisoners of war, twenty four thousand camels and forty thousand goats. After the defeat in Hunain, some of enemy took refuge in Taif. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W) deputed a small army which defeated them and captured many of them. Thereafter, the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) himself proceeded with his army and laid siege to the fortresses in which the enemy had taken refuge. The siege continued for twenty days after which it was lifted. In 9 hijri, the whole of Taif embraced Islam.
In 9 hijri, Holy Prophet(S.A.W) was informed that the Romans had gather a huge army and the Emperor himself was leading it. At that time there was a famine in Hejaz and scarcity of water in Madinah and the surrounding areas. There was an intense heat. It was also the time of ripening of fruits and plucking of dates. Moreover, arms and equipment for fighting the large army of the Romans were not available. It is for these reasons that Tabuk expedition is called Expedition of Straitness. Hazrat Usman gave one thousand gold dinars and three hundred camels laden with grains. Hazrat Umer contributed half of all his cash, household goods and cattle and Hazrat Abu Bakr donated everything he had. This was the last military expedition in which the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) personally take part. The Romans did not come for battle and ran away.
Tabuk location
The 10th hijri is called Am-ul-Wafd, the Year of Deputations, because it was in this that numerous tribes of Arabia came to the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) to join Allah's faith. The most important event was the farewell Pilgrimage - Hajjat ul Wida. When he decided to go to Makkah for performing the pilgrimage, messengers were sent to all parts of Arabia to inform the believers of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) intentions and to invite them to join him in the great Pilgrimage. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W) left Madinah on the 25th Ziqad, 10 hijri, in the company of one hundred fourteen thousand of his followers. They reached Makkah and performed the pilgrimage. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) delivered his last sermon in the plain of Arafat, near the Jabal-e-Rahmat or the Mount of Mercy.
By the 11th hijri faith prevailed all over Arabia and peace was established throughout the peninsula. In the month of Safar, the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) became ill and on the fifth day of his illness, he shifted to the apartment of Hazrat Aisha. After an illness of thirteen days, he breathed his last on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal. His age was 63 when he died.
Grave of Holy Prophet(S.A.W)